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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Horse and buggy

I will admit, I have some paranoia about future gas prices and me living out in the middle of nowhere. I have to be able to transport my family and myself as well as produce to the nearest town. But how do we survive with $6 a gallon of gasoline without completely isolating ourselves from he rest of the world? This is one thing that mass transit supporters, those who want a $3 to $20 dollar tax on gas don't seem to understand. What about the farmers? Are you willing to pay the extra to get your food. Forget the $3 for a bundle of carrots (some of you might buy it cheaper or get them free from your garden) you will be facing a $20 bundle. Best carrots in the world?

Ahh... but I am going off elsewhere. Today is about transportation when SHTF, or gas prices go way up, or something happens where electronics stop working. The Horse and Buggy.

First the horse. If your load is light, you don't need a team, but a team can come in helpful. When looking to buy a horse there are a number of breeds to choose from, and each seller will tell you that their breed is the one and only to purchase. It really depends on what duties you want that animal to preform. We have a quarter horse for making rounds and herding. But are currently looking into Irish draft teams for transportation of large quantities of goods. These horses, well trained, can cost you a pretty penny.

I can go on and on about what to look for in your horses, and what tack you need, but that will take a bit of time and blogging space. Talk to people that have horses, and why they like the breed they have. Do a little research on different breeds, and what to look for when purchasing. And definitely do research on the average cost of that breed. No point spending $1,000 on a $500 horse. And if you make nice with people, you might end up with a $500 horse for free like we did.

Seminole Wind (aka Sammie) on the right

This is our Cadillac

Is is an antique taxi, the original kerosene lamps included. This will be our primary mode of transportation. Once it is repaired. If you are lucky enough to find an old carriage, their are plenty of books out there to help you rebuild it.

We will need a wagon to transport our produce into town. This we will have to build from scratch. There are various options for blueprints of the type you or I might want. Everything from the basic hay wagon to the covered wagon.

If you live in an area that doesn't allow you to keep horses or mules, and you feel that you may need such a thing to get out of the city or for general longer distance transportation, look in your area for horse boarding. Make sure that you can talk with some of the customers and how they feel about that establishment. And be sure to get out to personally care and exercise your horse. Like with any working animal you need to create a bound, plus you need to know how to do these things in case something might happen and you find yourself alone with your horse and no professional around to help you.


Anonymous said...

Great post. Those horses and that buggy could come in handy.

Kentucky Preppers Network

APN said...

Wife and I are considering this ourselves...Wondering though, how many horses we will need and how to build our buggy strong enough to haul a ton of hay and also to carry at least a cord of fire wood. When SHTF, I'm planning to barter firewood for preps and for hay to feed the farm animals in the winter

Phelan said...

Look into draft horses. Unlikely you will want to move that much in one haul unless you can afford a team of 6. I would stick with two, and moving smaller loads. With two you can breed. Cheaper to do it that why as well.

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