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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daucus Carota Sativa

Carrots have been around a long time. They have their roots in ancient Greece, were no corsage was complete without the carrots delicate foliage.

Carrot seeds are small, to help make it easier to plant, mix the seeds with clean, dry sand. Using about a teacup full of sand for every quarter ounce of seeds. After thoroughly mixing, spread through your trench. You can also sprout them for about four days between two sheets of wet paper. They do not fare well if planted, then transplanted.

Carrots can get along well in just about any type of soil. But you need to try to get rid of all the rocks, and pulverize the soil well. Hummus from your compost heap can do wonders when growing carrots.

Wintering your carrots are great, you can plant up until the first week of August. First plantings can begin as soon as your soil is workable.

If you have loose light soil, the seeds should be covered without 1/2 inch of dirt, less if your soil is heavier.

Weed carefully, and wait until the first hard frost to dig them out for storage. While you are waiting, thin them to about 2 inches apart, eating the very young carrots.

You can can, store in a barrel covered with hay and earth or just go ahead and eat them. nummy carrot cake, which is one of the great things to make right before your stored carrots turn rubbery.

Carrots come in all types of colors. We are planting white, red, purple and orange this year. All are wonderful in nutritional value, but the oranger the carrot the more beta carotene.

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