You can eat them raw, adding to your salad or pickle them for later use. (good replacement for capers)
2 cups flower buds (remove stem)
1 cup cider vinegar
1 tbl. sugar
1 tsp. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. canning salt
1-one inch long cinnamon stick
1 whole clove
Combine all. Bring to just boiling. Add to your sterilized jar. Refrigerate until ready for use. Or can as you would your cucumber pickles.
The pods are edible as well. Finding the right time to harvest the pods is a trial and error attempt, you want them young, but not so young that seeds have yet to develop. Eat and can like green beans.
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There are many other vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamin c besides citrus - broccoli, strawberries, brussels sprouts, kale, etc. No need to resort to eating trees, most likely.
Sailors used to get scurvy because they ate no fresh fruits or vegetables at all.
The scurvy comment was playful. And I have touch on some of the other plants high in vitamin C over the years.
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