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Thursday, May 13, 2010

when the slightest dissatisfaction arises over any exercise of social power, the aid of the agent least qualified to give aid is called for

"The general upshot of all this is that we see politicians of all schools and stripes behaving with the obscene depravity of degenerate children; like the loose-footed gangs that infest the railway-yards and purlieus of gas-houses, each group tries to circumvent another with respect to the fruit accruing to acts of public mischief. In other words, we see them behaving in a strictly historical manner. Professor Laski's elaborate moral distinction between the State and officialdom is devoid of foundation. The State is not, as he would have it, a social institution administered in an anti-social way. It is an anti-social institution administered in the only way an anti-social institution can be administered, and by the kind of person who, in the nature of things, is best adapted to such service. "

Albert Jay Nock

Written in 1935, this essay gives you a clear understanding about how social governance came to being.

As far back as 1789, many felt that we had to be saved from ourselves.

Our Enemy, The State.

Thanks to The masteroftheUniverse for this link.
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