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Thursday, April 22, 2010

US flags no longer flying in Haiti

What do you think about this?

From the Navy Times

The many nations helping Haiti recover from the devastating earthquake that struck there have set up their own military compounds and fly their flags at the entrances.

France's tricolor, Britain's Union Jack and even Croatia's coat of arms flap in the breeze.

But the country whose contributions dwarf the rest of the world's — the United States — has no flag at its main installation near the Port-au-Prince airport.

The lack of the Stars and Stripes does not sit well with some veterans and service members who say the U.S. government should be proud to fly the flag in Haiti, given the amount of money and manpower the U.S. is donating to help the country recover from the Jan. 12 quake.

The Obama administration says flying the flag could give Haiti the wrong idea.

"We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery," the U.S. government's Haiti Joint Information Center said in response to a query about the flag.

Read entire article here>>>

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1 comment:

Gen-IL Homesteader said...

Well, if that isn't a bit ridiculous! If everyone else's flag is there, why not ours? Hmmmm. I hope it's not another one of those "No, we're not occupying" (even though we're really occupying) sort of situations!

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