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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I've Been Up To

Where to begin? It's been awhile since I've posted anything related to preparedness so this is what I've been up to. Bought some Mylar bags and repackaged a lot of my storage foods. Before I had just put the food in a 5 gallon bucket, thrown in some oxygen absorbers, put the lid on and called it good. That may have kept it for a year or two, but I really wasn't happy with that short amount of time. So I bought some new 5 gallon buckets, lined each with a Mylar bag, transferred the food, threw in a 2000cc oxygen absorber, sealed the bag with a clothes iron and let them set for a day. The next day all the bags had sucked down so tight you could tell what was in them. I mean you could actually see the impressions of the grains of rice and the beans through the bags. The only problem I had was with the powdered milk, for some reason the bags did not want to seal up tight, even after the second try. I think I might be pouring the milk in the bag to fast and the dust that is clinging to the inside of the bag is preventing me from getting a good, tight seal so I'll have to try it again. If anyone else has had the same problem and knows what I am doing wrong, please let me know. Next I gave myself a good honest assessment of my physical health. I'm 41, I'm not overweight, I don't drink alcohol that often (maybe a six pack in six months), but I do smoke, drink a LOT of pop and don't exercise at all. So I got the mountain bike out an have started riding it again. I'll tell you this, my legs f***ing hurt after a ride. I know I need to quit smoking, but right now I'm not ready. Lastly I have been going through my safe and I have decided to sell some of my firearms. I don't need all that I have and if I ever had to G.O.O.D. I don't want to leave them behind for some criminal to steal. So if I can figure a way to be contacted anomalously I will put up a list later of what I have for sale. Well that's about it for now, so until next time, May God bless you and yours---MCK

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